WHAT'S IN A NAME? WHAT'S IN A NAME?Stellus is the combination of the Latin words “Stella” (English: Star) and “Solus” (English: Lone) as a reflection of our independent, incisive approach and a nod to our headquarters in Texas (i.e. the “Lone Star State”)
20+YEARS AVERAGE EXPERIENCE 20+ YEARS AVERAGE EXPERIENCEStellus has one of the most experienced lower middle market investment teams in the marketplace with over 350 combined years of principal investing experience
$3.4BILLION OF AUM $3.4 BILLION OF AUMStellus currently has approximately $3.4 billion of assets under management
100+CURRENT ACTIVE INVESTMENTS 100+ CURRENT ACTIVE INVESTMENTSThe Stellus team has over 100 current portfolio companies across a wide range of industries
350+CUMULATIVE COMPLETED INVESTMENTS 350+ CUMULATIVE COMPLETED INVESTMENTSThe Stellus team has invested in over 350 companies across a range of industries, providing senior debt, junior debt, structured equity, and equity co-investments
$9.8+BILLION IN INVESTED CAPITAL $9.8+ BILLION INVESTED CAPITALCollectively, the Stellus team has invested over $9.8 billion in the lower middle market over the last 20 years